Portion Distortion

“A wise person does not simply choose the largest amount of food but the most pleasing” - Epicurus

As ever with growtogether. we aim to pass on the education and experience of others more so than our own. There’s a really interesting discussion on the trend of super sizing portions available to listen to here https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct1rff from the World Service Food Chain programme if you have time to listen.

They talk about the distortion it creates on clarifying an appropriate portion and the effects it has on obesity levels (13% of adults are apparently obese and in danger of serious health issues because of this), over energy consumption and the environment. Apparently the average size of a pizza has increased by 53% since 1990, not entirely sure we are 53% more active than then! A thought we are coming across more and more is the need for people to eat less but improve the quality and sustainability of what they are eating, to improve their own health but also the wider health of the Planet. Certainly a higher value and understanding of the food we buy and eat is needed.


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